Monday, September 29, 2008

The economy is getting on my last nerve!

I know complaining about the economy isn't going to change anything... but my heart is breaking as this economic crisis continues.

I've spent the evening getting caught up on the news from my hometown of Grand Forks, ND... only to find that one of the best downtown bars, with the best drink specials, The Cuckoo's Nest, is closing. It had recently gone smoke free, and that may be a reason less people are going there... but to me, that's a GOOD thing! Unfortunately, the bar closing isn't.

Another closure... Boston's Gourmet Pizza restaurant... home to the best BBQ chicken pizza i've ever had! Huge beers, not so good of service, but excellent calzones... unfortunately, it's turning into a Space Aliens.

Photo courtesy of Ryan Schuster, Grand Forks Herald.

Grand Forks doesn't need a Space Aliens... it needs places with nice, big, beer mugs.

And last... but certainly not least... and most important to me... The University of North Dakota School of Communication is being "reorganized".

After the holidays, there will be no more Comm. department! The teachers are going to be in different departments, still teaching Comm. classes... and they say everything will be fine... but in all reality, if you think about it....

No Comm. department, means they won't be attracting many Communication students. Those students will look elsewhere for the program, and eventually they won't have enough students to even keep the comm. classes going anymore.

I think that's their final plan, to completely get rid of the program and its devastating to the teachers, to those of us who have graduated from the program... or even those who might not get that chance.

What is next? Something needs to be done. The economic crisis is reaching places that I never thought it would in a million years. When I learned of the Great Depression in 11th grade history, I never thought I might be facing the same situation.

Usually, i'd just start a petition and rally a bunch of people to help make this better... but I am completely helpless... and it sucks.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I'm a fan of Space Aliens so I welcome the change. People at Boston's pissed me off. And Cuckoo's Nest was just open on Friday... so maybe they are only open on weekends now.