Monday, January 26, 2009

I don't have an accent... YOU DO!

I don't know how many times people hear I'm from North Dakota... and all of a sudden they blurt out "Noooorth Dakooooota."

nd In case you didn't know.

I know for a fact I don't even say it like that.  Most people just assume since they've seen the movie Fargo they know what they're talking about... well... I'm glad that I grew up just one hour away, but have never seen the movie FargoI'm nervous to see where people get all those Nodak stereotypes from... I might then just know what they are really thinking about me when they learn where I was raised!

My roommate Brandy claims that I have an accent, even though her closest friends can't even hear it...  She insists I say "Dakoooota" and "beg" instead of "bag"... but really, she seems to be the only one who ever calls me out on it.  She must be a pretty good listener.  =)

Another thing you've probably heard-- is that it is FLAT.  That, unfortunately... is true.

flatndMoving from ND to Boise, ID.

On an airplane last week, I heard a guy behind me telling the guy sitting next to him that when he lived in ND, he watched his wife leave him for three days.  One of the best bad jokes I've ever heard.

One great thing about growing up in the Peace Garden State... is that it is essentially crime-free. 

I've worked in television news since high school, and aside from one really horrible incident that happened in North Dakota, it's pretty low key.  A burglary will be the top news story for days... and here in Boise, I feel like we have some kind of home burglary or gas station hold-up every day!  So when I double check and triple check our doors to make sure they are locked at night... I get made fun of. 

Excuse me for wanting to feel safe in the big city!  I'm just a girl from small-town Nooooorth Dakooooota!




Brandy said...


1. You DO have an accent.
2. I can lock our doors jusssst fine!!!
3. I'm going to start saying "beg"

lovvvve my roomie!

Dawn said...

The movie Fargo was actually filed in the Bemidji they should really be making fun of Minnesota, not us! I'm proud to be North Dakotan too! Go Sioux!!

Anne said...

Grrr, tell me about it. I always get the shocked look and "I've never met anyone from ND before" Like I am a circus freak or something.

Richae said...


I think Brandy is crazy. I don't hear much of an accent at all. Just fyi. ;)


Shannon said...

Actually the crime here has really gone up compared to a few years ago. There are so many stories about meth, robberies, and murders. Maybe that's just the Bismarck area where we hear the negative stuff!