Saturday, November 15, 2008

Good-bye Chet... =(


Back in July I posted a blog about my volunteering at my grandma's nursing home...  I'm not able to volunteer anymore because my work schedule has changed, but I still go there several times a week to visit everybody...

Today, I heard the bad news that my good buddy Chet passed away yesterday morning.  He has been in an out of the hospital a few times lately, and just wasn't doing very well.  Even though he was loved at the nursing home, and was always loving life... i'm sure Chet's in a better place now.

I wish I could've spoken to him before it happened... his family had been visiting a lot and my mom and I never had the opportunity to go in and say HI.

I'll never forget how his face would light up when I'd help him with his Pokeno card... "Thanks Darlin!  I wouldn't have won without you!" all the whilst rubbing my leg. =)  Just stopping by his room to ask how he was doing would make him light up.

Here's are some excerpts from an earlier blog, written July 12, 2008, about Chester Burpo:

"After blackjack, my mom and I start setting up the room for Pokeno. For those of you who don't know, Pokeno is BINGO, but with playing cards... you have a card with 25 pictures of playing cards on it, and when the caller holds up a card, and it's pictured on your card... you cover it. Pretty easy, except... my job is to basically play 20 cards at once-- all around the room. =) My mom calls the cards, and I have to wander around the room, by certain people who can't see the cards or pay attention for very long, and make sure they got it covered. One day, this man Chester (Chet), was playing and he couldn't really see his card... so I just hung out with him, made sure he had everything my mom called and... he won 3 times. Now Chet and I are inseparable. =)

This last Wednesday I went to find Chet because he didn't show up for Pokeno... I went to his room, and found out that he had had pneumonia all week. =( He invited me in and he must've been feeling much better because he kept hitting on me, like the Good Ol' healthy Chet I knew.

Let me tell you though, Chet has a picture of himself as a man about my age in his room-- and he was pretty damn cute!

As I was leaving the room I told him to "Have a great day!" and he goes "You too! But wait a second.... what if I didn't say that back, would you be offended?" and I go "Well, not offended... but I would've thought you didn't hear me." and he goes "See, that's America." He went into this long profound lecture about American's always wanting to "settle the score." It makes sense to me, and is really something to think about, but it was too profound for me to be able to type into words. =)

I wish I could explain in words how great this feeling is... but even after my Grandma checks out and comes back home, which she could soon (she's doing so well!), i'm going to keep volunteering...
I don't want Chet hitting on anyone but me!"


I'll miss you Chet!  Your good attitude, and your smile will always keep me going.





Ranaebang said...

Oh, that's precious!
I'm so glad you were able to remember so many fun times :) Keeping memories alive is the only way I can deal with death.

Forward Steps said...

Thank you for that lovely post about Chet. Absolutely inspiring and uplifting.
I also appreciated you stopping by my blog and leaving a message.
Through you, I got to find out about and you should see all my blogs now!
Nice to have met you and I'm sure we'll meet again.
Cheers, Thea

Thea said...

Thank you for that lovely post about Chet. Absolutely inspiring and uplifting.
I also appreciated you stopping by my blog and leaving a message.
Through you, I got to find out about and you should see all my blogs now!
Nice to have met you and I'm sure we'll meet again.
Cheers, Thea

P.S. Posting this twice because I was logged into wrong Google account.
Have a different one for my gmail, created that before realizing I could have both in same accounts (must've been half asleep!)