Friday, May 15, 2009

Tomorrow should be... FUN!

Tomorrow will rank up there as one of the busiest days of my life... but not in a bad way!

Another 5k race in the morning... After that, Brandy and I are heading out to the big garage sale ... then I'm heading to the Idaho Dept. of Labor's first annual Volunteer Fair!

I think this is the coolest idea ever... for two years now, I've been wanting to get involved and do something with my spare time. Of course, now that it's summer and I'm on two softball leagues, have a dozen trips planned and a beer club that I'm committed to... I don't see myself having much time to volunteer. Come August though, I should have plenty-- so I'm going to check it out. There are more than 50 organizations looking for volunteers that will be there tomorrow recruiting.

Following that... a kickball BBQ! It should be a fun way to reminisce about elementary school kickball games.

Then... we'll see if I'm up for drinking more beer at a pool party. It should be in the 80s tomorrow, so that doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

The bad idea-- is me going downtown after all of that. I could end up a royal piece tomorrow night, or I could end up at home in my bed by ten. I'm thinking it'll be the latter... but we shall see!


I did run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure last week, and did better than I thought I would, despite my open foot surgery earlier in the week (which was repeated yesterday might I add.

P5080217 Deren, me, Ranae b4 the race.

My buddy Zach and I even got some airtime-- as Ysabel and Larry felt the need to bring us into their liveshot to address the fact that the whole "KTVB Family" was taking part. Great television right there.

I'm off to bed... I need to be waking up in T minus 7 hours to race in the "Famous Idaho Potato Marathon" -- Yes... that's what it's called and I'm not even kidding.



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