Monday, July 28, 2008

It is finally mine!

I FINALLY have a new car... and i'm taking any suggestions you might have on what I should name it.

Most of my friends know that all my cars have had names that do them justice-- Big Blue, Pedro, Rosie (my grandpa named this one).

The day I bought my new car! Friday, July 25, 2008.

After weeks and weeks of B.S... dealing with loans, stupid people, insurance, etc... it is finally mine. I have yet to drive it with the top up-- that's not really my style. =)

Now, all I have to do is drive very very safely for the next 3 years... if I crash this one, i'll pretty much be biking and taking the bus... until I turn 25. I'm not even exaggerating.

If anyone has a good name suggestion for my new partner in crime, let me know!



Dawn said...

What about something like Goldie? Or Marilyn (like Monroe)? I think it should be something classy yet a bit old school... maybe Maggie?!

Dancinbackwards said...

The anchor of my show is actually named Maggie... that would be really creepy. =)

Dawn said...

How about Betty (from the Archie comics)?

Dancinbackwards said...

Ooo, I like Betty... and that's my grandma's name!

Anonymous said...

how about the banana

Anonymous said...

wicked pissar!