Tuesday, December 23, 2008

So... frustrating...

One huge pet peeve of mine... is buying airline tickets... their pricing makes NO SENSE. 

Let me talk you through this...

It's always cheaper to fly Alaska Airlines out of Boise... but Alaska Airlines doesn't fly into my hometown of Grand Forks, ND... so in order to fly into Grand Forks, I have to hop on a Northwest Airlines flight to fly from Minneapolis to Grand Forks.

Grand Forks is a 5 hour drive from Minneapolis.  It's a little more than 300 miles.

So, when I go to book an airline ticket from Boise to Minneapolis (1500 miles)... it's $155.  Great deal! Wow!  I'm impressed...

Okay, BUT... why would it cost $500 to book an airline ticket from Minneapolis to Grand Forks?!  Grand Forks is obviously MUCH closer to Minneapolis than Boise is... why does the ticket cost 3 times as much??? 

Another thing... have any of you ever tried to book a one way ticket?  One way tickets often cost more than round trip tickets do!  That makes no sense to me at all either!!  Why are we forced to pay a roundtrip price if we are going one direction... yet getting what feels like a discount if you book a round trip ticket?  I might as well book the round trip ticket, and just skip out on the return flight.

Never fear, I somehow managed to find a roundtrip deal to Minneapolis, coming back on Saturday, Jan. 3 instead of Jan. 4 (one of the busiest travel days of the year)... just 8 days before my trip... for only $350!  Lucky me! 

This New Years is guaranteed to be the best New Years of my life!  Several of my closest friends are all meeting up in Minneapolis to ring in the New Year together!  Friends I haven't seen in more than a year and a half!



                   Melissa, Pauly & I

                             New Years 2006

I'll definitely be sure to let ya'll know if the trip lives up to my expectations!  Do you have any plans for the upcoming holidays?

Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!



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