=) a;sldkfhasdlkgha'sdgha'sdglkhas'fdghasfd'g!!!!!!
Two days until Minneapolis!!!
(I pound my keyboard to show excitement.)
My friends and I decided we will spend Friday riding the city bus all over the Twin Cities, exploring, and with any luck, getting lost!
Melissa and I will reminisce about the time we had taken the overnight flight from Seattle to Minneapolis... and tried to take the city bus to our car at our friends house so we wouldn't have to wake him up for a ride at 6 AM... we ended up lost on the metro system for four hours, in 40 below weather, with all of our luggage.
You try lugging 3 bags with roller wheels, through the snow in downtown Minneapolis at 6 AM. Not so much fun. After getting on several wrong buses, someone finally told us that there was a "bus help line" that you could call if you were lost. You tell them where you are, and they tell you exactly what you need to do and where to go.
We were so tired, and so frustrated... that our bus driver had to get on the phone with the help line because we had no idea where we were... and couldn't process what the person on the other end was telling us.
Ahhh, memories... =)
I am in one of those moods where I am so excited that I don't even know what to do with myself!
I leave for Minneapolis, MN in 3 days!
My company gives us two weeks of paid vacation each year, and last year... I made the huge mistake of using all of mine in the first couple months of the year.
So, I haven't been able to leave Idaho since April! Anyway, this will be my first time seeing some of my friends in nearly two years!
My best friend of all time, Melissa, who has been going to graduate school in Louisiana is going to be there!
The picture on the left is one of Melissa's birthday parties. I'm in the stripes. =)
I'm spending my entire Sunday, cleaning, doing laundry and packing... did you know that Northwest Airlines/Delta charges for even one checked bag now?! I refuse to pay to check a bag... so I'm packing early to weed out all the stuff I'd normally pack at the last minute and not use.
My last trip to the Twin Cities, I met a few members of a my favorite band, Sister Hazel! (See pictures below):
I met a lot of interesting people on that trip... (See pictures below):
And I'm sure I will this go-around as well!!!!!
But more than anything, I'm excited to see Melissa, Andrea, Matt, Callie, Shawn, and Megan... all friends from back home... AND WE ARE GOING TO BUFFALO WILD WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure I'll have much time to post until I get back, so I hope you all have a very happy and safe New Years Eve! And... don't do anything I wouldn't do!
Two postings in one day! Wow, i'm really on a roll...
So a couple days ago, I heard some really crappy news... not going to share it, but it really hit me this afternoon and I couldn't shake it...
Play the following video before reading on (just to give you the full effect):
Music playing? Good.
So, tonight, this song, and what I saw on my drive home was really sort of a perfect storm... because I needed a pick-me-up...
Well, I was driving over a bridge that gave me a whole view of the city lights, and the lights in the foothills (Truly gorgeous if you've ever been to Boise)... this song coincidentally playing in the background, then I get a look at Table Rock:
That is a picture of Table Rock in the daylight-- at night, the cross is lit up... and you can't see the mountain, so it looks like a lit up cross just floating in the sky...
Then I look in another direction, and see the lights reflecting off the snow of Bogus Basin (A ski resort tucked away in the foothills)... the snow glowing from the lights is truly magical...
Well, with the song playing, the city lights, the Table Rock cross, and the glowing snow from Bogus Basin, I truly realized how lucky I am.
I think about North Dakota, and I miss my friends a lot... and some things that have happened this year, haven't been in my favor... but I've done more growing up this past year in Boise, than I ever would have done in North Dakota... and I am truly grateful for that.
The worst break-up I hope I never experience again has really tested me, and tonight-- for some reason, all those scenes and that song helped me remember how strong I am and how lucky I am to be where I'm at, and have all the things that I do.
I honestly believe that despite some things not working out how I had hoped, I am right where I am supposed to be.
There is no light without the dark, no happy without the sad, and no good without the bad... and I guess I just needed a reminder of that tonight.
That also reminds me of some of my favorite song lyrics:
"Sometime's I sleep with all the lights on... it helps me to appreciate the night. I hear people talk about life all the time, how they remember times so sad... don't you think life would be awfully boring... if the good times were all that we had." - Pat Green, "Crazy"
That song is highly recommended. =)
Love life.
One huge pet peeve of mine... is buying airline tickets... their pricing makes NO SENSE.
Let me talk you through this...
It's always cheaper to fly Alaska Airlines out of Boise... but Alaska Airlines doesn't fly into my hometown of Grand Forks, ND... so in order to fly into Grand Forks, I have to hop on a Northwest Airlines flight to fly from Minneapolis to Grand Forks.
Grand Forks is a 5 hour drive from Minneapolis. It's a little more than 300 miles.
So, when I go to book an airline ticket from Boise to Minneapolis (1500 miles)... it's $155. Great deal! Wow! I'm impressed...
Okay, BUT... why would it cost $500 to book an airline ticket from Minneapolis to Grand Forks?! Grand Forks is obviously MUCH closer to Minneapolis than Boise is... why does the ticket cost 3 times as much???
Another thing... have any of you ever tried to book a one way ticket? One way tickets often cost more than round trip tickets do! That makes no sense to me at all either!! Why are we forced to pay a roundtrip price if we are going one direction... yet getting what feels like a discount if you book a round trip ticket? I might as well book the round trip ticket, and just skip out on the return flight.
Never fear, I somehow managed to find a roundtrip deal to Minneapolis, coming back on Saturday, Jan. 3 instead of Jan. 4 (one of the busiest travel days of the year)... just 8 days before my trip... for only $350! Lucky me!
This New Years is guaranteed to be the best New Years of my life! Several of my closest friends are all meeting up in Minneapolis to ring in the New Year together! Friends I haven't seen in more than a year and a half!
Melissa, Pauly & I
New Years 2006
I'll definitely be sure to let ya'll know if the trip lives up to my expectations! Do you have any plans for the upcoming holidays?
Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I'm pretty new to this blog thing... I've been writing in this for a little while, but nobody had ever read my stuff before... but apparently someone at One Girl Revolution has been reading because:
So, the little picture here says the I have to share seven random facts about myself... which shouldn't be too tough, but choosing just 7 is the hard part. Here we go!
1. My cat, Punkin, is the love of my life...
2. I hate the cold more than anything, but ironically miss North Dakota terribly.
3. I am a little OCD. If someone taps my right shoulder, they must tap my left shoulder to make it even. If someone touches their nose, I have to touch mine... I do not like anything to touch my belly button. (Very weird, I know... I can't explain it.)
4. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday.
5. If I could eat egg rolls every day for the rest of my life without gaining 500 pounds, I would.
6. Glacier National Park and Lake Metigoshe tie in the race for my favorite places on Earth.
7. I love my cell phone more than I should.
So now, I'm supposed to list 7 people who have blogs... that I want to see repeat this little list/survey/thing on their blogs... Unfortunately, I don't really know many people who have blogs... and one of them (Brandy) has already filled it out...
So we'll just see how many I can find, and pretend like it's 7:
Have a splendid day everyone, I'm off to Smokey Mountain for some BBQ Chicken pizza!!!!!!
Many of you who have skied with me before... have seen how awesome my snow pants are.
Since I didn't think I was going to turn into such a ski bum, I decided that buying my own snow pants wasn't a necessity... so...
Courtesy of my mom, and Northwest Airlines... low and behold...
I'm not sorry to announce... that these awesome bibs are retiring... and since I have my own season pass, and my own ski gear... I think it's only right that I get my own snow pants. Sad, yes, but it will spare me a little humiliation this season.
They will only come out of retirement temporarily for any trip to Tamarack, and ONLY if they are accompanied by Alison's dad's snow boots... just because I strongly believe in tradition.
Our trip to Tamarack is just a month away... so until then, snow pants... Good night, and good luck!
See you all on the mountain!!
Back in July I posted a blog about my volunteering at my grandma's nursing home... I'm not able to volunteer anymore because my work schedule has changed, but I still go there several times a week to visit everybody...
Today, I heard the bad news that my good buddy Chet passed away yesterday morning. He has been in an out of the hospital a few times lately, and just wasn't doing very well. Even though he was loved at the nursing home, and was always loving life... i'm sure Chet's in a better place now.
I wish I could've spoken to him before it happened... his family had been visiting a lot and my mom and I never had the opportunity to go in and say HI.
I'll never forget how his face would light up when I'd help him with his Pokeno card... "Thanks Darlin! I wouldn't have won without you!" all the whilst rubbing my leg. =) Just stopping by his room to ask how he was doing would make him light up.
Here's are some excerpts from an earlier blog, written July 12, 2008, about Chester Burpo:
"After blackjack, my mom and I start setting up the room for Pokeno. For those of you who don't know, Pokeno is BINGO, but with playing cards... you have a card with 25 pictures of playing cards on it, and when the caller holds up a card, and it's pictured on your card... you cover it. Pretty easy, except... my job is to basically play 20 cards at once-- all around the room. =) My mom calls the cards, and I have to wander around the room, by certain people who can't see the cards or pay attention for very long, and make sure they got it covered. One day, this man Chester (Chet), was playing and he couldn't really see his card... so I just hung out with him, made sure he had everything my mom called and... he won 3 times. Now Chet and I are inseparable. =)
This last Wednesday I went to find Chet because he didn't show up for Pokeno... I went to his room, and found out that he had had pneumonia all week. =( He invited me in and he must've been feeling much better because he kept hitting on me, like the Good Ol' healthy Chet I knew.
Let me tell you though, Chet has a picture of himself as a man about my age in his room-- and he was pretty damn cute!
As I was leaving the room I told him to "Have a great day!" and he goes "You too! But wait a second.... what if I didn't say that back, would you be offended?" and I go "Well, not offended... but I would've thought you didn't hear me." and he goes "See, that's America." He went into this long profound lecture about American's always wanting to "settle the score." It makes sense to me, and is really something to think about, but it was too profound for me to be able to type into words. =)
I'll miss you Chet! Your good attitude, and your smile will always keep me going.
"Brick" by Ben Folds Five
I never knew what this song was about... but at 10 years old, I was belting it out. Apparently I began supporting abortion at a young age.
"Time of your Life" by Green Day
Great tune... will never get old. I actually remember listening to this song in Glacier National Park and when they said "Take the photographs and still frames in your mind" I tried to mentally take a snapshot of a mountain... and it worked... I think of that every single time I hear this song.
"Crash Into Me" by Dave Matthews Band
Another one of those... little did I know I was singing about hiking up a girl's skirt... but still, great tune.
"All My Life" by KC & JoJo
Probably the cheesiest song i've ever heard... and reminds me all too much of thinking I was in love in 8th grade and seeing the guy I was in love with dancing with my best friend.
"No Rain" by Blind Melon
Whenever you feel out of place... just think, you could be dressed in a home-made costume with a ridiculous striped stocking on your head and harry potter glasses, running through the streets like a homeless bumblebee.
"Spider Webs" by No Doubt
I got grounded because Melissa and I kept changing my family's answering machine message to the chorus of this song... I wonder how many other girls actually did that.
"Black Hole Sun" by Sound Garden
I thought melting my Barbie dolls on a barbecue grill was the coolest thing ever... until I got caught.
"Gansta's Paradise" by Coolio
I hated Coolio. H-A-T-E-D Coolio. And in 6th grade I pretended to like him because all the cool kids did. I regret that decision every single day of my life.
"Bitch" by Meredith Brooks
I got to say the word "Bitch" when I sang along with this song... so it was probably the coolest song ever. Just like Melissa used to blast a song by Alanis Morisette so the cute next door neighbor would think she's cool for playing a song with the word bitch in it.
I love hearing songs that take me back to a certain time and place... it's as close as we'll ever get to reliving our childhood.
Kenny Chesney describes this feeling best in the song "I Go Back":
"We all have a song that somehow stamped our lives...
Takes us to another place and time.
So I go back to a pew, preacher, and a choir
Singing about God, brimstone, and fire...
And the smell of Sunday chicken after church.
And I go back to the loss of a real good friend,
And the sixteen summers I shared with him...
Now "Only The Good Die Young" stops me in my tracks...
Every time I hear that song, I go back, I go back."
What songs take you back and why?? Think about it... and get back to me!
I was going through my favorite pictures... and I thought i'd share my top ten!
All the pictures i've chosen, have great stories behind them... that remind me of how much fun I have, and how great my friends are!
10. This is Alison and I at Cascade Lake near Donnelly, and McCall, ID. It was about 80 degrees... but we had been rummaging through the cabin closet, digging up our old dress-up favorites!
9. Springfest: My best friend since childhood, Melissa & I... "You'll do."
8. First day of work at KTVB... One word: "Heyyyyyyy!"
7. Bizzy, Matt and I at Charlie Brown's in Grand Forks... The red, white and blue was a total coincidence!
6. 11 AM, "Hangover Breakfast" at Blue Moose after another crazy night out... and Pat is drinking AGAIN!
5. Sunday night tradition at B-Dubs.
4. 10 AM on my 21st birthday-- on Melissa and Andrea's balcony.
8 AM - 3 for 1's at McMenamy's...
9 AM - Milo's Survey of Broadcasting class... after 3 for 1's at McMenamy's.
10 AM - Found another homeless shopping cart.
3. Trip back to GF just in time for St. Patty's Day... "And we didn't even have one drink!" ... Just shots.
2. Making a hilarious discovery about who one of MFC's random hookups was... Note: MFC is a code name, and no, it is not Milo.
1. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daniella and I trick-or-treating in 2007... MFC knows how to treat the kids!
Hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane!!!!!!!
Thanks for coming and have a nice day!
I've been doing my research... and I've decide to compile the best "Love Life" quotes... and song lyrics, to get you thinking-- and so that I can look back on them whenever I need to remember just how lucky I am to be here.
Lately, I've been working way too many hours-- crappy ones, but I've been trying to make the most of it... and even when it seems like I might just die, something happens to make me remember just how great my life really is, and that my "problems" really aren't problems at all.
Clocktower Pond, Boise, Idaho; July 2008
"If I think more about death than some other people, it is probably because I love life more than they do." - Angelina Jolie
"Love life, engage in it, give it all you've got. Love it with a passion, because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it." - Maya Angelou
"If you love life, don't waste time, for time is what life is made up of." - Bruce Lee
"Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it." - Mother Teresa
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle... The other is as if everything is." - Albert Einstein
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count... It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln
"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." - James Dean
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." - Maria Robinson
"I want to live... so I could feel the ground beneath me, really taste this air I'm breathing, and know that I'm alive." - Josh Gracin, "I Want to Live"
"Sometime's I sleep with all the lights on... it helps me to appreciate the night. I hear people talk about life all the time, how they remember times so sad... don't you think life would be awfully boring... if the good times were all that we had." - Pat Green, "Crazy"
"Have you ever danced in the rain, or thanked the sun just for shining? Take it all in, the world's a show... What do you say, we both go and seize the day, because what's your hurry anyway?" - Sister Hazel, "Change Your Mind"
"I'm what I am, and I'm what I'm not but I'm sure happy with what I've got... I live to love, and I laugh a lot, and that's all I need." - Kenny Chesney, "Never Wanted Nothin' More"
"You've got to leave me now, you've got to go alone... you've got to chase a dream... one that's all your own, before it slips away." - Nickel Creek, "When You Come Back Down"
"Time is a wheel in constant motion, always rolling us along... tell me, who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone." LeAnn Womack, "I Hope You Dance"
"You can't really smile until you've shed some tears... I could die today, or I might live on for years." - Darryl Worley, "Awful Beautiful Life"
Photo courtesy of Ryan Schuster, Grand Forks Herald.
Never forget.
Most of my friends know that all my cars have had names that do them justice-- Big Blue, Pedro, Rosie (my grandpa named this one).
From left to right: Ben Splichal, Matt Jacobson, Sara Baier,
Annie Baier, Beth Splichal, Kelsey Jacobson; Front: Marla Jean
Jelly-bean -- at Lake Metigoshe, North Dakota.
Another reason I absolutely love the 4th of July is because i'm extremely patriotic. I hope that all of us remember why we have the day off on Friday... because it's an important time right now for us to think about it. We have thousands upon thousands of men and women overseas that don't get Friday off... and they are the reason it's being celebrated in the first place.
So many people have died for our freedom, and even so, our soldiers continue to fight for us... so let's remember that this weekend.
Plus, this is the only time of year you can hear "God Bless the USA" by Lee Greenwood on the radio, and if you have never heard the song "4th of July" by Shooter Jennings, then I suggest you watch the video below-- its not super patriotic or anything, but I LOVE the song for some reason, and it's only played this time of year.
Now for the reason that my feelings are kind of mixed this weekend:
Friday would be my two year anniversary with the first person i've ever loved. =( For those of you close to me, you know the back story... but for those of you who don't... Sean had just gotten home from a deployment to Afghanistan in March-- and is already back in South Korea to serve our country again... and we broke up about two months ago. I have been doing well... but would rather not be sitting at home by myself thinking about it all weekend.
Which brings me to my next point: all of my friends here in Boise, had told me they were going to be leaving town!! Every single one... so I thought I was going to spend the day missing my family in North Dakota, who will all be up at Lake Metigoshe without me.
Turns out now, two of those friends who were going to be out of town... won't be. So we had decided we would do something... but don't know what yet. And now, another one who is going out of town, just called to let me know that they decided to go camping instead... and now a huge group of my friends is doing that. I went from no plans, to having to choose, which kind of sucks. I hate making decisions. I hope I can convince some people to come camping.
Yeah, my life is rough what can I say. =) Don't get me wrong here... i'm not complaining that I now have a choice of what to do for the weekend, but I'm just not very good at making decisions like this, because I don't want anyone to be left out.
I am one of the few who work on the 4th, so that means double pay! Even though, I work the overnight shift... so I get off at 7 AM on the 4th, and still get the benefits of working on a holiday... I can't believe I used to hate this shift! =)
I leave you now with a few patriotic songs to get you in the spirit!
Lee Greenwood - "God Bless the USA"
Brooks & Dunn - "Only in America"
Toby Keith - "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue"
Aaron Tippin - "Where the Stars and Stripes and Eagle Flies"
David Ball - "Riding with Private Malone"
God Bless America!!!!!